My journey with my JayJay has been an intimate and wild ride, filled with both challenges and discoveries. Around 14 years old, when I first started shaving, my bikini line was riddled with big red bumps from ingrown hairs. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a household that fostered openness and provided a safe space for discussions about our bodies, including what was happening "down there." I had support in exploring my options and tried everything under the sun to get comfortable with my coochie. Waxing, lasering, sugaring, shaving - all caused some type of itchiness, discomfort, or pain. 

Motivated by my own experiences, I spent countless hours researching the right ingredients and understanding the intricacies of the downstairs area. I believe I have created a product line that addresses and relieves the discomfort that women have come to accept. 

With JayJay, I hope to create a community where women can come together, free from judgment, to share their experiences and learn from one another. I want to amplify that safe space I had in my home, and provide a platform for open dialogue, empowering women to take control of their vaginal well-being. 

This product line is intended to challenge the status quo and create a world where every woman feels confident, informed, and in control of her own intimate health.

Xoxo, Julia